Space travel is the ultimate adventure, but long-haul astronauts are paying a heavy price, and the cost is their health. Space travel weakens the bones and heart, shrinks the muscles, depletes red blood cells, and negatively impacts vision and balance.
Although there has been speculation that these issues result from higher radiation levels, zero gravity, or decreased infrared radiation due to a lack of sunlight, a new study has posed another theory directly related to the Earth’s magnetic field—or lack thereof.
A new report published this fall by the Guy Foundation, a non-profit in Britain that studies the links between physics and biology, ties the health issues resulting from long-term space flight to damaged mitochondria. Dubbed the “powerhouse of the cell,” mitochondria produce the energy that powers almost every cell, and the mitochondrial damage noted in the study explains the problems astronauts are experiencing, from weakened immune systems to cardiovascular issues.
The Earth’s magnetic field impacts the mitochondria’s energy-producing chemical reactions. Without it, mitochondria simply cannot supply the energy human cells need to thrive, resulting in the advanced aging of the cells. Unfortunately, neither Mars nor the Moon – both candidates for futuristic space colonies – has a magnetic field anywhere near the Earth’s, making both planets seemingly uninhabitable without severe health implications.
Workarounds have been posed, including everything from more sun-like lighting to underground colonies, but researchers like Rita Miller of Oklahoma State University may have another solution. A “small ubiquitin-like modifier,” or SUMO, has the potential to support cell function in microgravity situations. As is, SUMO plays a key role in many gravity-normal scenarios, including repairing DNA damage and supporting cellular division and protein functions. Miller’s SUMO research will help scientists better understand and control the harmful impacts of microgravity at the cellular level. Learn more at